Friday, December 12

It snowed in Munich!!! and it's gorgeous!!!

It started snowing last night. Well, afternoon, really... I went to Marienplatz to go Christmas shopping at the Christkindlmarkt and it was 4:50 when I got there but of course it was already completely dark. But it was snowing! And it was soooo pretty! And then I woke up this morning and it was still snowing and everything was pretty white! I'd say we got 3 inches or so and it's still flurrying so maybe more will accumulate.

Anyway, if there are any specific requests for gifts from Germany, you should make them now. It's only the 12th of December, and I realize this, but I've pretty much got a plan laid out for the rest of the year and it's gonna start speeding up starting... tomorrow.

Here's a little idea for you.
Saturday (13th): Salzburg Christkindlmarkt with Nick and Nicole!
Sunday (14th): Day to learn! And possibly visit a museum if I get enough learning done.
Monday (15th): Normal classes followed by Christmas Party for the Cafe workers
Tuesday (16th): Presentation in my Religion Sociology class, followed by German class followed by either meeting with a student from the TU who wants to go to the US next year or going to a "typical Christmas movie" (apparently the equivalent of "It's a Wonderful Life"... as in everyone's already seen it 100 times and watches it every year anyway)
Wednesday (17th): Normal long Wednesday followed by two hours (8:30-10:30) of free dancing "practice" instead of a lesson
Thursday (18th): Catching the 9:30 train to Innsbruck to be there at 11:30
Friday (19th): Hall! Hopefully meeting up with friends from school
Saturday (20th): Hall!
Sunday (21st): Hall! And back
Monday (22nd): Normal full day of classes
Tuesday (23rd): Both classes have sense been canceled on me, so an entire day to do last minute shopping and to paaaaack
Wednesday (24th): Waking up at 3:30 (thanks for booking this one, mom... we really didn't think this out too well), to catch the first subway of the morning (they stop running at 2) at 4:17 to make it to the airport at 5:17 for a 7 am flight through Frankfort and Chicago and eventually getting to St. Louis (hopefully) some time that evening.
And then obviously, two weeks at home! :)

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