Okay, so many of you know my dad was here last weekend to visit. He was working in Germany and came down for the weekend.
Friday we hit all the main Munich spots again. BMW World, a large circle of all the main buildings/churches/towers in the Alt Stadt of Munich, the English Garden, the three city gates, and then Olympia Park. We went up in the tower. Wow! I wish I'd gone up sooner. You really can see the Alps. Quite impressive, too! And obviously a lot more besides that!
Saturday we took the train to Salzburg. There's a Bavarian Ticket here that's good for up to 5 people to travel with. It takes you anywhere in Bavaria for a day. Salzburg isn't actually in Bavaria, as it's in Austria, but it's on the border, so it works.
Salzburg was SUNNY! That never happens from what I hear. We were expecting cold and rainy and thus took coats and umbrellas... then got there to find it was 70 degrees and sunny. We started up in the Fortress on the hill, which we did not see the last time we were in Salzburg. It was pretty neat. Awesome view, and it's pretty big. There's a lot to see. Came down, ate sausages and then did a quick tour of the city. Went out to dinner that night at a nice little Bavarian restaurant in downtown Munich.
Sunday we went to the Deutsche Musuem, which is HUGE. Seven floors. We were there from 10-2:30 or so and didn't see everything. We skipped a couple of floors and a couple exhibits on floors we did look at. Later that evening we went to visit the Munich stadium, Alianz Arena, where Bayern (soccer) plays. It's a huge stadium and made up of individual pieces that light up individually. (Wikipedia it, it's kinda neat) Would have been nicer if the fog hadn't decided to settle in right before we left. I'm pretty sure dad didn't believe me when I said we were actually walking towards it... you couldn't see anything! Then we realized the sky in front of us was red (the stadium lights up red/blue/white depending on the colors of the home team). Once we got within 50 feet or so we could actually see it. Right as we were walking away, it turned blue. That was cool.
Anyway, since then, my dad has left. It's lonely without someone to go out to dinner with every night! The elections are tonight, as you all know. A Canadian, some of the Brits and I are going to a cafe/bar with live coverage for a couple of hours once the poles start closing. I guess that means I'll be up kinda late tonight.
Tomorrow I got invited by my Religion Sociology classmates to a party for the Sociology students at the University at 9. Since my Wednesday goes from 8:30 (class in Garching... I get up at 7) through 7 (Biology ends) and then I have my Standard/Latin dance course from 7:30-8:30, I'm going to have a long day tomorrow!
Thursday Erika, Nicole and I are getting together for dinner.
Saturday Nicole, Hans (Fulbright student from Texas) and a couple of his friends are going to Nuremberg for the day.
Olympia Park: View from the top of the Olympia tower. One is of the BMW collection (Factory, Museum, Offices, BMW world), the other a not as good as in real life view of the Bavarian Alps and part of Munich
Salzburg: The Alps from the top of the castle, Me with the mountains, Salzburg from the top, Dad with a canon (to prove he was there), the castle from the ground
Alianz Arena: close up in the fog
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