Okay, so plans got changed around a little. But now I've been to Oktoberfest and it was everything it had promised and more. Yesterday, Erika's friend wasn't feeling well so they decided to push it back till today. So we met at the train station closest to the fest at a quarter to eight and walked the rest of the way. Nicole and I were dressed like Americans. Erika and Charlotte had drindls on. Oktoberfest is a huge section of land with several large "tents" set up. By tent, I mean, essentially a building they put up just for the three weekends/t
Anyway. Music started at 12. Hence forth it became more crowded as people started dancing on the tables to traditional Bavarian tunes and crowding in the previously clear aisles. We were actually kicked out at 3. Kicked out being a harsher term for "it was implied that we should leave by our waiter who brought four other guys over to our already full table which is the Oktoberfest way of saying, it's been serveral hours since you've ordered. I want money. Order more beer or leave." We left. Getting out was possibly the most difficult part since pushing and shoving through a room where movement is all but impossible is not entirely easy.
Outside we saw the second half of Oktoberfest. The fest for famillies and children. There was a huge carnival with pretty
Pictures: (figure out the order yourself)
Erika and Charlotte dressed in drindls
Me with One Liter of beer that I took a full sip of!
Nicole and I with Preztle-As-Big-As-Our-Heads
The inside of the tent, complete with overcrowdness and people dancing on tables.
Welcome to Oktoberfest!
WOW! Sounds too crowded for me!
Deutche Beir ist sehr bitter. Americanishe Beir kann mehr teigig geschmack. Ich hatte Beir nicht gern wann ich hat erstmal zu Deutchland gegangen.
that beer is HUGE
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